This unit explores the nature and design of structured programming.
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Learner Outcomes Students will:
Competency Focus
Interdisciplinary Connections
Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
In structured programming, the program is made as a single structure executed in a serial and structured manner. The code will execute instruction by instruction one after the other, sometimes returning values as it goes. It doesn’t support the possibility of jumping from one instruction to some other with the help of any statement like GOTO, etc.
Non-structured programming uses commands like GOTO. When executed, it can jump from line of code to line of code. It can be difficult to keep track of the flow of events and troubleshoot. Sometimes the program can crash because it cannot get back from the GOTO or move on.
Structured programming follows a series of commands in order. The structured program mainly consists of three types of elements:
- Selection Statements
- Sequence Statements
- Iteration Statements
Advantages of Structured Programming Approach:
- Easier to read and understand
- User Friendly
- Easier to Maintain
- Mainly problem based instead of being machine-based
- Development is easier as it requires less effort and time
- Easier to Debug
- Machine-Independent, mostly.
- You will need to use all of these different types of statements in your coding
- Open up your Google slides from the Computer Science unit.
- Add one slide called Structured Programming:
- Include a short definition, in your own words.
- At least one link to a website or video that helps explain this concept.
- Then, add one slide for each of the following data types:
- Sequence Statements
- Selection Statements
- Iteration Statements
- For each slide, add:
- A short definition, in your own words.
- A few lines of pseudocode or code to show how these statements work
- A link to a website that helps explain these statements
- Remember to add to your sources and citations list
- It should be:
- Alphabetical
- Double spaced
- Reverse Indented
- Once you have finished, submit the link to your slideshow as evidence of learning in this unit.