Michael Ritchot
This unit introduces you to Free Learning so that you can get ready to learn.
Learner Outcomes Students will:
Competency Focus
Interdisciplinary Connections
Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
Free Learning is a different way of teaching and learning. This iteration of Free Learning started at ICHK Secondary in Hong Kong, and we are the only class to use a similar type of Free Learning at TIS. The aim of Free Learning is to engage you as a student, by challenging you to move, in your own unique way, through a set of learning experiences. The name and style of Free Learning is inspired by the sport of free running, or parkour, and it seeks to make learning feel like this:
Free Learning seeks to encourage joyful, independent, deep learning based on the needs and passions of the learner. Each experience (or unit) is slightly contained, but connects together to provide multiple avenues of exploration based on your interest. This is an example of our map, which will keep growing throughout the years.
Free Learning lets you choose what to study, how long to study it for, and who to study with. If you are interested, you can read more about Free Learning.
You can explore the available units on the Browse Units page:
During Free Learning, you will loop through the following process:
- Select a Unit - initially only one or two units (marked with a blue outline) will be available, but as more are completed, more units become unlocked.
- Enrol in a Unit- after selecting a unit, and clicking into it, you should visit the Enrol tab to sign up for the unit.
- Study the Unit - use the Content tab to access a sequential set of resources, which will lead you through the lessons that the unit hopes to teach.
- Create Some Work - by the end of the unit, you will have (sometimes) created a piece of work that shows your learning through the unit.
- Submit Your Work - if applicable, submit your work to your teacher using the Enrol tab.
- Receive Feedback - your teacher will review the work, and decide whether it demonstrates completion of the unit. A complete unit means you can move on, an incomplete unit comes with advice on how to improve your work, which can then be resubmitted.
- Select a New Unit - keep learning!
Take some time now to think about your goals for Computer Science learning.
- Create a new document using a Google Doc.
- Create a list of things that you hope to learn about Computer Science.
- Add a description of why you want to learn these things.
- Finally, submit your work as evidence of your learning and thinking through this unit...
- ...and then sit back and wait for some teacher feedback.
Free Learning began at TIS Macao through the efforts of Ms. Kuipers. Upon her departure, Ms. Hubert took over, maintained, and expanded the course. Upon Mr. Ritchot's arrival he continued to expand and build upon their work while taking Free Learning into his own style or direction. All of their contributions have made Free Learning what it is today.
The most recent author, Mr. Ritchot, would like to take the time to attribute and thank the following resources and communities for their materials and help in making this course what it is today. Many of these resources have been compiled together into the lessons of Free Learning and it would be remiss to not give them credit.
Teach Yourself Computer Science
dpg, bpg, wdg, theanons,
...and you, the students.
Last Updated: 21 January 2021
- Full Stack Open
- Browse Units
- The Developer Roadmap
- Learn AI from Scratch
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- FreeCodeCamp
- read more about Free Learning
- The Odin Project